Jul 17, 2013

Pindol Wordpress Theme

Pindol is amazing and fully complete theme. You can choose if you want boxed or full width layout. Also you can choose patterns for content and background or set up own image. All paterns are included into theme so everything is ready to use. Even if you don`t want to create your own page, we have solution for you. We provide .xml file for all our customers and just after upload it into theme, you will get exactly the same page as our demo.
With Pindol theme you can build any type of page. This is great choice not only for corporate category, but for all other as well. With our amazing Theme Options panel, within few minutes you can adjust theme to your own needs. Nearly everything what you can see on our demo, can be changed from this section.
If you are wondering if this theme is for you, don`t have any skills with html/php/css – answear is simply – YES! Everyone can build page based on Pindol. Each element can be built by easy and quick Drag & Drop Content Builder. But if you think, that you are good with coding, you can use shortcodes or html tags to bulild own page. Content Builder contain over 20 items and is really great option for all those who doesn`t want to work with HTML code or even shortcodes.
We also included the best slider ever – Revolution Slider. So easy to use and within few minutes you can get amazing slides. We also included all sliders from our demo into theme to show you how slides can be created. With that you will understand everything very quickly.
Theme is also Retina Ready. We included 2 different packs of icons (fontawesome icons and social media icons). All of them are vectors and are ready to go on Retina displays. Also we made option for 2 different logos (standard logo and high-resolution logo). The second option for logo has been created to show awesome logos on all devices with Retina displays.
We can also say, theme is SEO Ready. You can choose if you want to use our built-in SEO fields or maybe your own external plugin (like “All in One SEO” or “WordPress SEO by Yoast”). We built additional fields like Title, Description and Keywords for each page. Whole code and tags has been also stacked properly from the most important, like h1 to less. You can be sure, Google will like your site built on Pindol.
You can also be sure, this theme is fully Translation Ready. We created special section for this purpose. You can translate each element available on site. If you don`t want to use our built-in translator, you can use WPML plugin, .mo/.po files or other translation plugin. Theme is compatible with WPML plugin at all so you can create your pages in many languages.

1 comment:

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